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Sermons Archive


On this page you can find sermons preached in our churches between July 2018 and Dec 2020.



Sunday 27th December St John, Apostle and Evangelist - Rev Wendy Carter

Christmas Eve Midnight Meditation

Christmas Worship God with us - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 20th December Mary - Kate Day

Thursday 17th December The Advent Season - Denise Smith

Sunday 13th December  Looking to the future - Rev Paul Day

Thursday 10th December The Advent Wreath - Gill Gough

Tuesday 8th December Paul Day's Licensing - Ven Jenny Tomlinson

Sunday 6th December John the Baptist - Rev Paul Day

Thursday 3rd December Isaiah and Advent - Rev Nick Ball


Sunday 29th November Stay Alert - Sarah Penfold

Thursday 26th November The parable of the rich man and Lazarus - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 22nd November Christ the King - Bishop Anne

Thursday 19th November Fairness, justice, and scandalous grace - Kate Day

Sunday 15th November Second Sunday before Advent - Rev Wendy Carter

Thursday 12th November Parables of waiting and being prepared - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 8th Nov Remembrance Sunday - Rev Paul Day

Thursday 5th Nov The Parable of the Rich Man - Sarah Penfold

Sunday 1st Nov All Saints - Rev Paul Day


Thursday 29th Oct Two Parables about Prayer - Rev Wendy Carter

Sunday 25th Oct Bible Sunday - Kate Day

Thursday 22nd Oct Two debtors and an unforgiving servant - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 18th Oct St Luke - Rev Paul Day

Thursday 15th Oct The Good Samaritan - Kate Day

Sunday 11th Oct Wearing a wedding garment - Sarah Penfold

Thursday 8th Oct Sheep. Coins. People. The "lost parables" - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 4th Oct Reflective Worship Philippians 1 - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 4th Oct The heart of discipleship - Rev Guy Donegan-Cross

Thursday 1st Oct Parables of Sowing and Growing - Sarah Penfold


Sunday 27th Sept Harvest Festival - Rev Paul Day

Thursday 24th Sept The Cross - Rev Wendy Carter

Sunday 13th Sept Realising the extent of God's forgiveness - Rev Wendy Carter

Thursday 10th Sept Give Thanks - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 6th Sept Reflective Worship Growing - Kate Day

Sunday 6th Sept Reconciliation - Rev Paul Day

Thursday 3rd Sept The Old Testament - Sarah Penfold


Sunday 30th August (online) "The duties of Christians" - Sarah Penfold

Thursday 27th August The "sending out" prayer - Kate Day

Sunday 23rd August (online) "Who do you say I am?" - Rev Paul Day

Thursday 20th August Prayer in the lockdown - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 16th August (online) Belonging - Kate Day

Thursday 13th August Ruth - Rev Wendy Carter

Sunday 9th Aug (online) Trust - Rev Paul Day

Thursday 6th Aug Samuel - Sarah Penfold

Sunday 2nd Aug Reflective Service Taking Action - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 2nd Aug (online) The Feeding of the 5,000 - Rev Nick Ball


Thursday 30th July Hannah - Rev Theresa Jones

Sunday 26th July St James' Patronal Festival - Ven Jenny Tomlinson

Thursday 23rd July Rahab - Kate Day

Tuesday 21st July Healing Service - Gill Gough

Sunday 19th July God's justice - Rev Wendy Carter

Thursday 16th July Joshua - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 12th July Growing - Rev Paul Day

Thursday 9th July Moses - Graham and Denise Smith

Sunday 5th July Reflective Service Caring for each other - Sarah Penfold

Sunday 5th July Daily Strength - Rev Theresa Jones

Thursday 2nd July Joseph - Rev Nick Ball


Sunday 28th June St Peter - Rev Paul Day

Thursday 25th June Rebekah and Rachel - Kate Day

Sunday 21st June Discipleship - Gill Gough

Thursday 18th June Jacob - Rev Wendy Carter

Tuesday 16th June Healing Prayer - Rev Theresa Jones

Sunday 14th June Black Lives Matter - Rev Paul Day

Thursday 11th June - Sarah - Sarah Penfold

Sunday 7th June Reflective Service - Worship - Kate Day

Sunday 7th June - Trinity - Rev Nick Ball

Thursday 4th June - Abraham - Gill Gough


Sunday 31st May - Pentecost - Rev Paul Day

Thursday 28th May - Saul/Paul - Graham and Denise Smith

Sunday 24th May - Prayer - Rev Theresa Jones

Thursday 21st  May (Ascension) - Praise, power and prayer - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 17th May - The promise of the Holy Spirit - Rev Paul Day

Thursday 14th May - Stephen - Kate Day

Sunday 10th May - Let go and let God - Rev Wendy Carter

Thursday 7th May - Peter - Sarah Penfold

Sunday 3rd May- Reflective service - On the threshold - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 3rd May - Asking big questions - Rev Paul Day


Thursday 30th April - The Emmaus Road - Gill Gough

Sunday 26th April - Walking the road - Sarah Penfold

Thursday 23rd April - Thomas - Rev Theresa Jones

Sunday 19th April - Being a witness - Rev Paul Day

Thursday 16th April - Mary Magdalen - Kate Day

Sunday 12th April  - Easter - Rev Peter Law-Jones

Holy Week reflections (including Sunday 5th April) - Various speakers

Sunday 29th March - Passion Sunday - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 22nd March - Mothering Sunday - Sarah Penfold

Sunday 15th March - St John's & Christ the King - Living Water - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 8th March - St John's Church - Abraham and Nicodemus - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 1st March - St James and St John's - A tale of sin and grace - Kate Day


Ash Wednesday 26th February - St James and St John's - The messed up world we live in - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 23rd February - St James Church - Mountain tops - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 16th February - Christ the King & St John's - Caring for the world - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 9th February - Christ the King Church - Salt and Light - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 2nd February - St John's reflective service - Everyday faith - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 2nd February - Christ the King Church - Intergenerational church - Kate Day

Sunday 2nd February - St John's and St James Church - Waiting - Rev Paul Day


Sunday 19th January - St James Church - Come and See - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 12th January - Christ the King Church - Proclaiming the glory - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 5th January - St John's and Christ the King - The gospel is for all - Rev Paul Day



Sunday 29th December - St John's Church - Friends with God - Rev Paul Day

Christmas Day - St James - Christmas - Sarah Penfold

Christmas Eve - Christ the King and St James - Christmas changes everything - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 22nd December - St John's and St James - Saying yes to God - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 15th December - St John's and St James - Is our view of God too small? - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 8th December - Christ the King & St John's - Hope in the darkness - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 8th December - St James - Seeking - Sarah Penfold

Thursday 5th December - St James' Church - Memorial Service - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 1st December - Christ the King & St John's - Walking in the Light - Rev Paul Day


Sunday 17th November - Christ the King and St John's - Flourishing - Kate Day

Sunday 17th November - St James Church - Flourishing - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 10th November - St John's Church - Repentance - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 3rd November - St John's Reflective service - Walking humbly with God - Kate Day

Sunday 3rd November - Christ the King & St John's - the world from God's perspective - Rev Paul Day


Sunday 27th October - St James - Justice - Sarah Penfold

Sunday 20th October - St James - Peace - wholeness in the world - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 20th October  - St John's - Wholeness in the world - Sarah Penfold

Sunday 13th October - St James - Peace in our lives - Denise Smith

Sunday 13th October - Christ the King & St John's - Peace in our lives - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 6th October - St John's Reflective Service - Mercy - Kate Day

Sunday 6th October  - Christ the King - Faith as a journey - Kate Day

Sunday 6th October - St James' Church - Journeys - Rev Paul Day


Sunday 29th September - Parish Harvest Festival -Giving thanks for the past and trusting for the future _ Rev Paul Day

Sunday 22nd September - Christ the King and St John's - Rich and Poor - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 8th September - Christ the King and St John's - Discipleship - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 1st September - St John's Reflective Service - Acting justly - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 1st September - Christ the King & St John's - Entertaining Angels unaware - Rev Paul Day


Sunday 18th August - St James & St John's - Which Christ do you follow - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 11th August - St James - Treasure in heaven - Sarah Penfold

Sunday 11th August - Christ the King & St John's - Where your treasure is - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 4th August - St John's Reflective Service - The Prophet Micah - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 4th August - Christ the King - Priorities - Rev Paul Day


Sunday 21st July - St John's Church - Mary and Martha - Sarah Penfold

Sunday 14th July - Christ the King and St John's - Unconditional Love - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 7th July - St John's Church - Who will walk with us now? - Rev Paul Day


Sunday 23rd June - Christ the King & St John's  - The Gesarene demoniac - Gill Gough

Sunday 9th June - Christ the King & St John's - Pentecost - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 2nd June - St John's Reflective Service - The presence of the Spirit - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 2nd June - St James' Church - handing on the faith - Rev Paul Day


Sunday 26th May - Christ the King - The need to change - Denise Smith

Sunday 26th May - St John's Church - Stepping forward - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 19th May - St John's Church - A new way - Kate Day

Sunday 12th May - Christ the King Church - Learning from the Master - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 5th May - St John's Reflective Service - Keeping - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 5th May - St John's Church - Forgiveness and New purpose - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 5th May - St James' Church - Change of mind, change of heart - Rev Peter Law-Jones


Sunday 28th April - Christ the King & St John's - Doubting Thomas - Graham Smith

Easter Day 21st April - St James' Church - Talking to Strangers - Rev Peter Law-Jones

Easter Day 21st April - Christ the King & St John's - From tears to new life - Rev Paul Day

Good Friday 19th April - Christ the King Church - Reflections on hope - Rev Paul Day

Good Friday 19th April - St James' Church - Good Friday Meditation - Rev Peter Law-Jones

Sunday 7th April - St John's Reflective Service - Loving the unlovable - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 7th April - Christ the King - Our worship - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 7th April - St James' Church - Transformation - Rev Peter Law-Jones


Sunday 31st March - Christ the King - Mothering Sunday - Kate Day

Sunday 31st March - St John's Church - Mothering Sunday - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 24th March - Christ the King & St John's - Our calling and journey - Gill Gough

Sunday 17th March - St James' Church - Welcome - Kate Day

Sunday 17th March - Christ the King & St John's - Welcome and Invitation - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 10th March - St James' Church - Planning for Growth - Rev Paul Day

Ash Wednesday 6th March - St James' Church - Ash Wednesday - Denise Smith

Sunday 3rd March - St John's Church - Looking outwards - Kate Day

Sunday 3rd March - St John's Reflective Service - Looking - Rev Paul Day


Sunday 24th February - Christ the King & St John's - Growing with God - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 17th February - St James' Church. Why do we come to church? - Sarah Penfold

Sunday 17th February - Christ the King & St John's - Why do we come to church? - Graham Smith

Sunday 10th February - St James' Church. Congregation not Audience - Rev Peter Law-Jones

Sunday 10th February - Christ the King & St John's. We are all involved - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 3rd February - St John's Reflective Service. Waiting - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 3rd February - Christ the King. Going for Growth Launch - Rev Paul Day


Sunday 27th January - St James' Church.  The gospel for everyone - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 27th January - Christ the King & St John's. Hope deferred - hope fulfilled - Rev Peter Law-Jones

Sunday 20th January - St James' Church. Gift and Promise - Rev Peter Law-Jones

Sunday 20th January - Christ the King & St John's. Transformation - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 13th January - Christ the King & St John's - Baptism of Christ - Gill Gough

Sunday 13th January -St James' Church. Baptism of Christ - Rev Peter Law-Jones

Sunday 6th January - St John's Reflective Service. Epiphany - Kate Day

Sunday 6th January - St James' Church. Epiphany - Rev Theresa Jones

Sunday 6th January - Christ the King & St John's Churches. Epiphany - Rev Paul Day



Sunday 30th December - St John's Church. Meditation on St John - Rev Paul Day

Christmas Day - St James' Church. Telling Stories - Rev Peter Law-Jones

Christmas Day - Christ the King & St John's Churches. A new perspective - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 23rd December - St John's Reflective Carols - The angel's, child's, shepherd's and Joseph's stories - Kate & Paul Day

Sunday 23rd December - Christ the King & St John's Churches. Called to be me - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 16th December - Christ the King & St John's. Preparing for Christmas - Denise Smith

Sunday 9th December - St James' Church. John the Baptist - Sarah Penfold

Sunday 9th December - Christ the King & St John's Churches. Clinging to God's promises - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 2nd December - St James' Church. Advent - Truth is a Journey - Rev Peter Law-Jones

Sunday 2nd December - Christ the King & St John's Churches.  Advent - Hope - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 25th November - St James' Church.  The Kingdom - Rev Peter Law-Jones

Sunday 25th November - Christ the King. The Kingdom - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 18th November - Christ the King & St John's Churches. Mission - Rev Nick Ball

Sunday 11th November  - St James's Church. Remembrance - Rev Peter Law-Jones

Sunday 11th November - Christ the King & St John's Churches. Remembrance - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 4th November - St James' Church.  The Church - Sarah Penfold

Sunday 4th November - St James' Church.  In Loving memory - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 4th November - St John's Reflective Service. Welcome - Kate Day

Sunday 28th October - St James' Church. The Bible - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 21st October - St James' Church. Prayer & healing - Rev Theresa Jones

Sunday 21st October - Christ the King & St John's Churches. Prayer & Healing - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 14th October - Christ the King & St John's Churches. The Eucharist - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 7th October - St James' Church. The Holy Spirit - Rev Theresa Jones

Sunday 7th October - Christ the King Church. The Holy Spirit - Kate Day

Sunday 7th October - St John's Reflective Worship. Invitation - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 30th September - St James' Church. Stewardship (Harvest) - Sarah Penfold

Sunday 30th September - Christ the King & St John's Churches. Stewardship (Harvest) - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 23rd September - Christ the King Church. Who is Jesus? - Rev Theresa Jones

Sunday 16th September - Christ the King & St John's Churches. Who is God? - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 22nd July - St James' Church. Mary Magdalene - Rev Nick Ball

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