If you would like to read a sermon preached at any of our services please click on the appropriate link below.
Sunday 9th Feb (St John & CTK) - Calling - Rev Paul Day
Sunday 9th Feb (St James) - James was only a snail - Sarah Penfold
Sunday 2nd Feb - Candlemas - Rev Rich Brooker
Sunday 2nd Feb (Reflective Worship) - Simeon's Song - Kate Day
​Sunday 26th January (St James) - Beyond Baptism - Rev Richard Haynes
Sunday 19th January (St John's & CtK) - The Wedding at Cana - Sarah Penfold
Sunday 19th January (St James) - Transformation - Rev Paul Day
Sunday 12th January (St James 10:30am) - Beloved - Kate Day
Sunday 12th January 2025 (St James 8am) - Luke, Spirit & Prayer - Rev Richard Haynes
Sunday 29th December (St John's and St James) - St John - Rev Paul Day
Christmas Day - Whatever happened to the shepherds? - Rev Paul Day
Sunday 22nd December - Mary - Rev Paul Day
Sunday 22nd December (St John's and CtK) - Advent Gifts - Rev Richard Haynes
Sunday 15th December - Hope - Kate Day
Sunday 8th December - Repentance - Rev Paul Day
Sunday 1st December - Where there is fear, there is hope - Rev Richard Haynes
Sunday 24th November (St John's and CtK) - Christ the King - Rev Paul Day
Sunday 24th November (St James) - Choosing a King - Kate Day
Sunday 17th November - The Church of England & Safeguarding - Rev Paul Day
Sunday 10th November (St John's) - Called up for, and by, Christ - Rev Richard Haynes
Sunday 3rd November (Reflective Worship) Mary's Song - Sarah Penfold​
Sunday 27th October (St James) - Bible Sunday - Sarah Penfold
If you are looking for an older sermon, please check back in our Sermons Libraries by clicking on the links below