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We worship in a variety of different ways and styles across the three churches and over the course of the month.

On this page you can find our usual pattern of services.


At St James


 8:00am 2nd, 4th & 5th Sundays each month: Holy Communion (said)


10:30am 1st Sunday each month: Joint Parish Eucharist (with Kids' Church)

10:30am 2nd Sunday each month: Morning Worship (with Kids' Church)

10:30am 3rd & 5th Sundays: Eucharist (with Kids' Church)

10:30am 4th Sunday each month: Worship 4 Everyone (all ages together)


 3:30pm  1st Sunday (6pm Apr - Oct): Reflective Worship


10:30am Every Thursday: Eucharist


10am Third Saturdays: Messy Church


The 10:30am Sunday service is also live-streamed. Please see here for details.


The St James Church building is open for private prayer each day between 10am - 4pm.

At St John's


9am 2nd & 4th Sundays each month: Eucharist 

9am 3rd & 5th Sundays each month: Morning Worship

10:30am 1st Sundays: Joint Parish Eucharist at St James


3:30pm Oct - March / 6pm Apr - Sept  5th Sundays: Forest Church

At Christ the King


10:30am 1st Sundays: Joint Parish Eucharist at St James 

10:30am 2nd & 4th Sundays each month: Eucharist

10:30am 3rd & 5th Sundays each month: Morning Worship


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