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Sermons Archive


On this page you can find sermons preached in our churches between Jan 2023 and October 2024.




Sunday 27th October (St James) - Bible Sunday - Sarah Penfold

Sunday 27th October (St John's) - Bible Sunday - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 20th October (St James) - Healing - St Luke's Day - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 13th October (Baby Loss Memorial Service) - Reflections - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 13th October (St John's and CtK) - The comfortable man's story - Kate Day

Sunday 13th October (St James) - The Cost of Discipleship - Sarah Penfold

Sunday 6th October (Reflective Worship) - Fruit of the Spirit: Humility - Kate Day


Sunday 29th September (St James) - Harvest Festival - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 22nd September (St James W4E) - Creation - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 22nd September (St John's) - Who is the greatest? - Denise Smith

Sunday 15th September (St John's and CtK) - For God so loved... - Sarah Penfold

Sunday 15th September (St James) - Summing up the Creed - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 8th September (St James) - Death Defeated - Rev Rich Brooker

Sunday 8th September (St John's and CtK) - Resurrection - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 1st September - Forgiveness - Rev Paul Day


Sunday 25th August (St James) - The Church - Sarah Penfold

Sunday 18th August (St James) - The Holy Spirit - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 18th August (St Johns and CtK) - God the Holy Spirit - Denise Smith

Sunday 11th August (St James) - Judgement - Kate Day

Sunday 4th August (Reflective Worship) - Faithfulness - Sarah Penfold

Sunday 4th August (St James) - Ascension - Rev Richard Haynes


Sunday 28th July (St James) - Pilgrimage - Sarah Penfold

Sunday 21st July (St James) - Resurrection - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 21st July (St John's and CtK) - Resurrection - Sarah Penfold

Sunday 14th July (St James) - The Death of Jesus - Kate Day

Sunday 14th July (St John's and CtK) - The Death of Jesus - Rev Paul Day


Sunday 30th June (St James) - God the Son - Sarah Penfold

Sunday 23rd June (St James) - Jesus is Lord - Kate Day

Sunday 16th June (St James) - Maker of heaven and earth - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 16th June (St John's and CtK) - Creator God - Kate Day

Sunday 9th June (St John & CTK) - One God, the Father, the Almighty - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 9th June (St James) - One God, the Father, the Almighty - Rev Richard Haynes

Sunday 2nd June - Volunteer Sunday - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 2nd June (Reflective Worship) - Goodness - Rev Paul Day


Sunday 26th May (St James) Trinity - Kate Day

Sunday 26th May (St John & CtK) Trinity - Rev Richard Haynes

Sunday 19th May (St John's and CtK) Pentecost - Denise Smith

Sunday 12th May (St James) God's Protection - Sarah Penfold

Sunday 5th May (St James) Identity and belonging - Rev Richard Haynes

Sunday 5th May (Reflective Worship) Patience - Kate Day


Sunday 28th April (St John & CTK) Abiding & Telling - Rev Richard Haynes

Sunday 28th April (St James) I am the Vine - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 21st April (St James) The Good Shepherd - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 21st April (St John's & CtK) Psalm 23 - Kate Day

Sunday 14th April (St John's and CtK) Do not be afraid - Sarah Penfold

Sunday 14th April (St James) A Witnessing Community - Rev Richard Haynes

Sunday 7th April (Reflective Worship) Malcolm's story - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 7th April (St James) How big is our God? - Kate Day


Easter Day (St James) - Rev Paul Day

Good Friday (CTK) - Gill Gough

Good Friday (St James) - Words from the Cross - various

Maundy Thursday - Rev Richard Haynes

Wednesday in Holy Week - Nathan's and Joanna's stories - Kate Day

Monday in Holy Week - Sarah Penfold

Palm Sunday 24th March (St James) - Saved from and saved for - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 17th March (St John's& CTK) - Passiontide - Rev Richard Haynes

Sunday 10th March (St John's & CTK) - Mothering - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 3rd March - The topsy turvy Kingdom - Rev Paul Day


Sunday 25th February (St James) - Jesus be the Centre - Kate Day

Sunday 25th February (St John & CTK) - Lent, Light and darkness - Rev Richard Haynes

Sunday 18th February (St James) - Lateral Thinking - Sarah Penfold

Sunday 18th February (CtK and St John's) - Lent - Denise Smith

Ash Wednesday 14th February - I wonder - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 11th February (St James) -  Seeing in a new light - Rev Richard Haynes

Sunday 11th February (St Johns & CTK) - The Mountain Top - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 4th February - A bigger picture - Kate Day

Sunday 4th February (Reflective Worship) - Joseph - Rev Paul Day


Sunday 28th January (St James) - Baptism and the journey of faith - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 21st January (St James) The Wedding at Cana - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 21st January (St John's & CtK) "Do whatever he tells you" - Kate Day

Sunday 14th January (St James) - Listening to God - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 7th January (Reflective Worship) - Epiphany - Sarah Penfold

Sunday 7th January - Epiphany - Rev Richard Haynes


Sunday 31st December (St James) - The Shepherds - Sarah Penfold

Sunday 31st December (CtK) - New Year, New Life - Denise Smith

Christmas Eve Midnight - Christmas changes everything - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 17th December (St Johns & CTK) - John the Baptist - Sarah Penfold

Sunday 17th December (St James) - Saved from and Saved for - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 10th December - Listening to John the Baptist - Rev Richard Haynes

Sunday 3rd December - Not wasting the waiting time - Rev Paul Day


Sunday 26th November (St John & CtK) - Christ the King - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 19th November (St John  St James) - The Parable of Abundant Life - Kate Day

Sunday 12th November (St James) - Remembrance Sunday - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 12th November (St John and CtK) - Remembrance Day - Rev Richard Haynes

Sunday 5th November - Saints and Prayers - Rev Richard Haynes


Sunday 29th October (St James) - Thine is the Kingdom - Sarah Penfold

Sunday 22nd October (ST John & CTK) - Persistence - Rev Richard Haynes

Sunday 22nd October (St James) - Please God (Lord's Prayer 3) - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 15th October (St James) - The Lord's Prayer 2 - Forgiveness - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 15th October (St John's & CtK) - "Forgive us our sins.. as we forgive" - Kate Day

Sunday 8th October (St John & CTK) - Lords Prayer - Adoration - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 1st October (Reflective Worship) - Think on these things - Rev Paul Day


Sunday 17th September (St James) - Forgiveness - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 10th September (St John's and CtK) - Second chances - Denise Smith 

Sunday 10th September (St James) - Real relationships - Kate Day

Sunday 3rd September (Reflective Worship) -  Living out Jesus' story - Kate Day

Sunday 3rd September - So What? - Rev Paul Day


Sunday 27th August (St James) - Water in the Bible - Rev Richard Haynes

Sunday 27th August (St John's) - Work - Rev Richard Haynes

Sunday 20th August (St John's and CTK) - Taking Another Look - Kate Day

Sunday 20th August (St James) - Welcoming - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 13th August (St James) - Soul Silence - Kate Day

Sunday 6th August (Reflective Worship) - Philippians 2 - Rev Richard Haynes

Sunday 6th August - Safeguarding Sunday - Rev Paul Day


Sunday 30th July (St James and St John's) - Clay jars - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 23rd July (St John's and CtK) - Waiting - Rev Richard Haynes

Sunday 23rd July (St James) - The wheat and the tares - Sarah Penfold

Sunday 16th July (St James) - Be encouraged - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 9th July (St John's and CTK) - Murphy's law - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 9th July (St James) - Contrary kids - Kate Day

Sunday 2nd July - Rewards - Rev Richard Haynes

Sunday 2nd July (Reflective Worship) - Philippians 1 - Rev Paul Day


Sunday 25th June - The example of St Peter - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 18th June (St James) - Father's Day - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 18th June (St John's and CtK) - Sarah laughed - Kate Day  

Sunday 11th June (St James) - Faith and friendship - Sarah Penfold

Sunday 11th June (St John's and CtK) - Made in God's image - Denise Smith

Sunday 4th June - The Trinity - Gill Gough


Sunday 28th May - The Birthday of the Church - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 21st May (St James) - Launching out - Kate Day

Sunday 21st May (St John's) - Jesus was going - Sarah Penfold

Sunday 14th May - Love, faith and courage - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 7th May - Coronation Songs of Praise - Rev Paul Day 

Sunday 7th May (Reflective Worship) - Psalm 30 - Kate Day


Sunday 30th April - Hearing the voice of Jesus - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 23rd April - Walking and Talking with Jesus - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 16th April - Thomas - the doubtful? - Sarah Penfold

Easter Day - Jesus calls us by name - Rev Paul Day

Good Friday - Characters at the Cross

Maundy Thursday - Washing feet - Sarah Penfold

Weds 5th April (Reflective Worship) - Caleb's story part 2 - Kate Day

Sunday 2nd April (Reflective Worship) - Caleb's story part 1 (Palm Sunday) - Kate Day


Sunday 26th March (St James) - Dry bones - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 19th March (St James) - Mothering Sunday - Rev Wendy Martin

Sunday 19th March (St John's and CtK) - Mothers Day - Denise Smith

Sunday 12th March (St John's and CtK) - Living Water - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 12th March (St James) - Is anyone thirsty? - Kate Day

Sunday 5th March (Reflective Worship) - The book of Job - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 5th March - Taking a risk? - Rev Paul Day


Sunday 26th Feb - Keeping God at the Centre - Rev Paul Day

Ash Wednesday, 22nd February - Ash Wednesday - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 19th Feb (St James) - Transfiguration - Sarah Penfold

Sunday 19th Feb (St John's and CtK) - Transfiguration - Kate Day

Sunday 12th Feb - God's Creation - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 5th Feb - Presentations by organisations supported via the 2022 Christmas Tree Festival - Please see video recording here 


Sunday 29th Jan - Turning from Bethlehem to Jerusalem - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 22nd January - (Confirmation with Bp Anne) - Please see video recording here

Sunday 15th Jan (St John's and CtK) - Come and See - Sarah Penfold

Sunday 8th Jan (St John's & CTK) - Love of power or power of love - Rev Paul Day

Sunday 8th Jan (St James) - Epiphany - Gill Gough

Sunday 1st Jan 2023 - The Shepherds' Visit - Sarah Penfold


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